
CoBALT Clinic

Pediatric Clinic located in Monticello, AR

CoBALT Clinic
CoBALT Clinic
Pediatric Clinic in Monticello, AR

For kids who experience developmental delays, getting properly diagnosed is the first step in getting essential treatment. Led by James Atkins, MD, FAAP, SEARK Children's Clinic in Monticello, Arkansas, is a designated CoBALT Clinic and can help families find answers and hope in the face of developmental challenges, including autism spectrum disorder. Book your child’s visit online in just a few clicks, or call to check appointment availability.  

CoBALT Clinic Q & A

What is a CoBALT Clinic?

CoBALT is a program designed to help kids and families get the resources they need to address developmental issues, including autism spectrum disorder. It stands for Community Based Autism Liaison and Treatment Project. 

Currently, there’s only one primary resource in Arkansas that performs developmental diagnostic evaluations for children: the James L. Dennis Developmental Center (DDC). As a result, wait times for these formal assessments can be incredibly long. This deprives kids of early interventions that can help them develop enhanced tools and techniques. 

CoBALT clinics are pediatric health practices in which a team made up of at least one medical practitioner and one child development practitioner (psychologist, speech pathologist, or behavioral specialist) receive special training in autism and developmental delays to conduct preliminary reviews of signs and symptoms of developmental conditions.

Dr. Atkins obtained this training alongside his wife, speech-language pathologist Natalie Atkins. Together, they serve as a CoBALT resource for families in and around Monticello, Arkansas.  


What are some of the behaviors and indications that suggest developmental delays?

Understanding the signs of autism and developmental delays can help parents know when to seek a professional assessment for their child. Some of the indications that a developmental issue may be present include:

  • Delayed speech 
  • Not responding to their name by the age of 9 months
  • Not pointing at objects by the age of 18 months
  • Not showing facial expressions by the age of 9 months
  • Failure to engage in play with other kids
  • Needing for toys to be situated in very specific ways
  • Getting upset with changes in routines
  • Repetitive behaviors like flapping hands or rocking

If you’re concerned about any unusual behaviors or seemingly delayed development, schedule a visit at SEARK Children’s Clinic to begin the diagnostic process. 


What happens next after a child receives screening through the CoBALT Clinic?

One of the focuses within the CoBALT program is identifying developmental conditions other than autism. This empowers families to begin initial treatment without having to wait for a more in-depth assessment. 

Screening might result in a diagnosis of autism or a different developmental condition. Some kids receive a referral for a full autism evaluation at DDC. The goal is to connect kids and families with the resources they need as quickly as possible. 

To get started, spend a few moments on the online scheduling page, which is available 24 hours a day. You can also call SEARK Children’s Clinic during normal business hours.

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